Wednesday, June 4, 2014

It Turns Out That Excessive Sports is Not Good For Heart Health

It Turns Out That Excessive Sports is Not Good For Heart Health

Two studies showed that excessive exercise activity ( too intense ) effect is not always good for the body , especially the cardiovascular system that have an impact on heart health .Recommendations are given to heart patients is laihan moderate aerobic performed five times a week .In a recent study , researchers from Germany involving 1000 people who have suffered from coronary artery heart disease for more than 10 years . The researchers then recorded the frequency and intensity of their physical activity , which is generally 60 years old .
One of 10 participants admitted to rarely or never do any exercise , while 40 percent of those actively engaged in physical activity two to four times a week .Meanwhile , a third , or 30 percent of them do sports more than two to four times a week .Results showed that participants who did not actively exercise two times higher risk of suffering a heart attack / stroke than those who are active .Then , participants who perform physical activity four times a week is more than four times greater risk of death due to other causes of cardiovascular disease dam .The surprising thing is , those who perform strenuous exercise regularly are also more likely doubled died of a heart attack / stroke .In another study , researchers from Sweden asked more than 44 thousand men aged 45-79 years about their activity patterns when aged 15 , 30 and 50 years over the last year .Since 1997 onwards , the participants heart health was tracked for an average of 12 years to measure irregular heartbeat or atrial fibrillation ( FA ) , risk factors for stroke . FA can be considered as the condition is not normal rhythm of the heartbeat. This condition can lead to stroke .The results showed , they are cycling or walking briskly for an hour a day or more at age 60 , 13 percent less risk of suffering from atrial fibrillation ( FA ) compared with those who did not exercise at all .However , people who exercise intensively for more than five hours a week , 19 percent more likely to be at risk of suffering from atrial fibrillation at age 60 , compared with those who exercised less than one hour a week .More dramatically , the level of risk rose to 49 percent in people who exercise more than five hours a week when they were 30 years of age . The same level of risk occurs when they exercise less than one hour at the age of 60 years ." When training at a younger age was associated with an increased risk of AF , while walking / cycling at an older age was associated with a reduced risk , " said the researchers conclude as reported by Medical Daily 

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It Turns Out That Excessive Sports is Not Good For Heart Health
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