Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tips on How to Prevent Viruses Recent MERS-CoV

Tips on How to Prevent Viruses Recent MERS-CoV

Since the Middle East diseases Respiratory Syndrome ( MERS ) began to spread in the Arabian peninsula country and spread to several countries , including Indonesia, raising fears for the world . In Indonesia recorded 13 provinces have reported suspected cases of the disease this MERS .Met at STANMED Center , Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta . Health expert Dr. Mulyadi Tedjapranata , MD.FIAS said , according to the WHO virus spread MERS itself initially did not occur directly but through indirect exposure in small groups .

She also added , to prevent the body so that MERS is not contracted the virus while traveling to the Middle East , there are several ways that can be noticed by the public .MERS itself is a virus that causes respiratory tract infections caused by viruses Korona.Virus Korona is a large family of viruses that cause disease with varying degrees of severity . While the virus is found in the Arabian Peninsula is a new corona virus that has never before menjakiti humans , so the vaccine has not been found up to now

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Tips on How to Prevent Viruses Recent MERS-CoV
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