The beauty of Raja Ampat, Papua Hidden Beauty, the most beautiful places in the world
Raja Ampat has the potential of marine tourism potential as Kofiau Island, Misool, South and West and Waigeo Ayau islands. Beauty that can be enjoyed is the white sandy beaches and crystal clear sea water so it can be seen directly below the sea life without having to snorkeling and diving.Raja Ampat is famous for underwater biota diverse spicies which has thousands of fish and beautiful coral reefs in the world. And here's some of the beauty and charm of Raja Ampat who was the author of capture through the camera phone when the opportunity to visit Raja Ampat few days ago.
Waiwo beach on the island of Waigeo
Waiwo beach on the island of Waigeo
Beautiful fish at Island Beach Waiwo Waigeo
The beach is still beautiful and natural
White Sand Island Embellished One Wayage
Clear water allows us to look at Life From the above vessel Seabed
Cluster Wayage Island Coral Hill (mengaggumkan and Extraordinary)
Coral Hill cluster Wayage Island Painting Like a Natural
If Bali has Kuta Beach, Lake Toba in North Sumatra Got, got NTB Lombok island, Papua, Raja Ampat has to offer charm to the beauty of the marvels of nature. (Kuncoro, Welfare Deputy Cabinet Secretariat)
The beauty of Raja Ampat, Papua Hidden Beauty, the most beautiful places in the world